Why short term contracts are best!

Retail Electric Providers purchase energy in bulk to fulfill all of the contracts customers like you and me have with them.  The cost of bulk energy rises and falls because of many factors just like the price of gasoline.  It is very difficult for retail providers to predict what the price will be at any point in the future.  However, it is easier to predict short term contracts than it is to predict 12 months out.

That’s why 3 month contracts are less expensive than 6 month contracts and 6 month contracts are less expensive than 12 month contracts.  By going with a short term contract, your total cost is hundreds of dollars less per year than long term contracts.

Did you know that these contracts and savings are available?

If you are in a 12 month contract, chances are, your current rate is 10¢ per kilowatt-hour or more.  With a 3 month contract, rates are usually less than 6¢ per kilowatt-hour.  That means you can save over 40%!  If you use 2000 kilowatt-hours in a month, that’s a savings of $80 or $960 in a year.  Do you want another $1000 this year?

Don’t be afraid to turn that air conditioner up during the hot summer months or to crank up the heat in the cold of winter anymore.  Contact SK Energy for a free savings quote today!